Updating a Fork of a Repo in GitHub

This is a reminder post! I keep forgetting the steps I take to update a forked repo in GitHub with the latest version from the source repo (using the command line), so here’s what I do for anyone else that needs to do the same.
The assumption are that:
- You have a forked repo which is behind another repo’s updates, in GitHub.
- Locally, you have no copy of your forked repo (but that isn’t essential - just adapt the steps).
I’ll use a repo I recently worked with for the excellent blog by Brent Roose.
Cloning your GitHub repo locally
1 | $ git clone https://github.com/s-moon/stitcher.io.git |
Change the repo above to be your repo.
Add a remote link pointing to the source repo
1 | $ git remote add remote https://github.com/brendt/stitcher.io.git |
Here, the source repo is Brent’s - it’s the one I originally forked. I’m also creating a remote named “remote” - the second usage of remote
Taking a copy of the changes
1 | $ git pull remote |
These are Brent’s changes that he has added since to his original repo.
See changes
If you like, you can see the changes that were retrieved with this command:
1 | $ git branch -va |
Make sure master is checked out
1 | $ git checkout master |
Merge the changes in
1 | $ git merge remote/master |
Here, we’re merging in the new changes that we don’t have.
Finally, push them to your forked repo in GitHub
1 | $ git push |
Lastly, push all these changes to your forked repo.
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