Getting to Ramen

Here’s another quick post to recommend a new podcast I am listening to: Getting to Ramen by Joshua Anderton.
I’m about 4 episodes in (apart from the latest one which I will talk about in a minute) and so far, think they are great. Unlike a lot of podcasts that do lots of editing, Joshua just talks about his side-hustle experiences on his way to work, so you hear cars, beeps, noise etc. You’d think it would be a bit distracting, but I find it kind of “real” and refreshing.
He’s very open about his experiences with his product UpScribe so definitely worth a listen.
I also managed to scrape a mention via the backdoor! If you listen to this episode, you will hear him talking about people coming to his podcast and starting from the beginning, which is what I do with blogs, podcasts, whatever. I’ve decided he’s talking about me since I recently contacted him and said as such. Only me, haha.
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